Get out your golden fingers and velociraptor scientists, we're reviewing The Midas Flesh by Ryan North, Shelli Paroline, and Braden Lamb!
Joey, Cooper and Fatima are three revolutionaries looking for a way to overthrow the federation that has decimated, enslaved and ruled over their planets, respectively. Their only hope lies in a secret planet made completely out of gold. Like the Midas of lore, this planet has the ability to turn anything and anyone who touches it into solid gold. Can they investigate and harvest this ancient weapon?
I feel that this is a pretty important comic and not enough people are talking about it. It is a REALY GOOD, TOP-NOTCH comic. Really well-written, great art, cool concept – but that's not what's so important about it, or why more people should be talking about it.

It reminds me a lot of Adventure Time, which shouldn't be a surprise since it's written by Ryan North, who regularly writes for Adventure Time. Adventure Time usually wraps complex existential stories in seemingly simple narratives, but in Midas Flesh, the main characters are dealing with some complex plot stuff right there on the surface. They have to deal with big issues like using weapons of mass destruction on the enemy even if that means hurting civilians; giving your enemies a second chance; not using weapons to keep everyone else from using them; and sacrificing oneself in the name of the mission. It – well, it can get really intense and science-y and a tad political, but that in no way detracts from the experience.
Partnered with the lighter tone is a simple, cartoon-y art style, executed beautifully by Lamb and Paroline. It lends itself well to fast-paced action scenes and really simple storytelling. You'll dig it if, like me, you're tired of your sci-fi books always having a super realistic look. Everything is very well designed, with crazy looking future technology and really solid coloring. Plus, one of the main characters is a velociraptor! Who talks and does science! And sometimes has a jetpack and shoots stuff!
Oh man! I haven't even gotten to the diverse cast! There are two women (one of which is a person of color that always wears a hijab) and a talking dinosaur. That's your main cast. Also, sometimes a slug alien joins them. That's fantastic! That is as diverse a cast for a sci-fi adventure as I could ever ask for. Why not two woman and a talking dinosaur?? I'm excited. I'm super excited. Isn't that exciting?! And they're pretty well-written! They don't go much into all of their backstory because it's a short series that's really only concerned with the story at hand, but their dialogue is great, they sound natural, they each feel like they have their own voice, and they never have to prove why women ARE good for the job. Yes yes yes.

It's a really good comic. It’s really well-written with an engaging story that will not let you take a break. You'll want to finish it as soon as you start. And luckily, now all eight issues are out! So you can go right out and pick one up. Pick them all up, even!
THE GOOD: Fun cartoony art, great coloring, great story, interesting premise, diverse cast, talking dinosaur, well-written, fun light-hearted tone with complex compelling plot.
THE BAD: ???
THE VERDICT: $$$$$ It's a fantastic book with a diverse cast and a fun story. Go pick it up! Read it! Tell your friends about it!
COMICS LIKE IT: We Can Fix It, Adventure Time, Bravest Warriors, The Overman, Runaways
ONE-PAGE METAPHOR: There is a flashback scene. Fatima, Cooper and Joey are talking about how they could go about finding a super-weapon to overthrow the oppressive Federation. Instead of being moody and shouting about it, they're drinking wine and joking. And then they take a selfie as they happily build the ship. The ship to find a weapon of mass destruction that could potentially kill billions.
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